Mandarin Ratsnake (Elaphe mandarina)

Mandarin Ratsnake - Elaphe mandarina

Mandarin Ratsnake - Elaphe mandarina       Mandarin Ratsnake - Elaphe mandarina       Axanthic Mandarin Ratsnake - Elaphe mandarina       Juvenile Mandarin Ratsnake - Elaphe mandarina       Juvenile Mandarin Ratsnake - Elaphe mandarina

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Scientific Name: Elaphe mandarina (Cantor, 1842)
Common Names: Mandarin Ratsnake, Jade Snake
Size: 100 to 120 cm (up to 160 to 170 cm)
Distribution: China, North Vietnam, Northern Burma, North East India, Taiwan
Other Info: Elaphe mandarina is a small to medium, heavy built snake for the advanced keeper. Thousands of WC animals are imported to the US and Europe every year, for many years and very few of these animals survive. CB babies have become available in recent years.
E. mandarina are known to inhabit montane forests and agricultural areas. They seem to prefer higher altitudes and cooler temperatures. A very secretive snake, that spends most of its time in burrows searching for its favorite prey of young rodents. Provide with a loose substrate with good hiding places. This snake is very shy and may go for long periods of time without eating.
They are active in the early morning and late afternoon hours. Hibernate for 2-4 months, breeding in the spring, 3-12 eggs requiring 48-55 days of incubation. Schulz (1996) observed "combat bouts" between males at breeding time. E. mandarina is unquestionably one of the most beautiful of all ratsnakes.

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